Welcome to our authorized retailer page!
Shopping at one of our authorized retailers ensures not only the guaranteed quality of our products but also the assistance and expertise of knowledgeable staff, ready to guide you in selecting the travel set best suited to your needs. Whether you’re planning a quick getaway or a long journey, our sets are designed to accompany you everywhere, combining style with practicality.
Browse our list of retailers and find the store nearest you for a personalized shopping experience.
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Via De Monari 1E, 40121 Bologna
Tuesday 12pm–7pm
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10am–7pm
Saturday 10:30am–3:30pm
Sunday, Monday closed
Monday to Thursday 11am–1pm, 3:30pm–7:30pm
Friday 11am–1pm, 3:30pm–7pm
Saturday 11am–1:30pm, 3:30pm–7:30pm
Sunday closed